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STEPHEN ATWOOD (prob. by 1620–1694)

ABIGAIL DUNHAM, daughter of John Dunham and Abigail Barlow

Stephen married Abigail Dunham on 6 November 1644. [PC01]

Stephen Atwood is referred to as Steven Wood in the Plymouth Colony court records.

Stephen was granted eight acres at Loute Pond on 16 September 1641. [PC02] Stephen and Henry Wood were each granted a garden place in the neighborhood of Wellingsly on 31 December 1641. [PC03]

In 1643 Stephen was in charge of the herring weir in Plymouth. [NENS0]

Stephen, Henry and John Wood were propounded to take up their freedom at the next court on 1 June 1647. [PC04]

Stephen was on a grand inquest jury on 4 June 1650. He was chosen a constable of Eastham on 3 June 1652. He was appointed a surveyor of highways in Eastham on 6 June 1654. [PC05]

Children of Stephen Atwood and Abigail Dunham

i. Abigail Atwood was born in August 1645. [NENS0] She married Jonathan, the son of Joshua and Bathsheba (Fay) Pratt, on 2 November 1664. [NENS0]

ii. John Atwood was born in 1646 and died in 1648. [NENS0]

iii. Hannah Atwood was born on 14 October 1649. [NENS0] She died on 29 March 1729. [NENS0] She married Jeremiah Smith on 3 January 1677. [NENS0]

iv. Eldad Atwood was born on 2 July 1651. [NENS0] He died before 1707 when his estate was probated. [NENS0] He married first Anna Snow, the daughter of Mark Snow and Anna Cooke.

v. Stephen Atwood married Apphia Bangs.

vi. Medad Atwood was born on 16 January 1658/9. [NENS0] He married Esther, the daughter of Daniel and Ruth (Chester) Cole, in 1684. [NENS0]

Medad took the oath of fidelity in 1695. [NENS0] He was admitted to the church in Harwich on 17 September 1717. [NENS0]

vii. Daniel Atwood [NENS0]


PC01. Nathaniel Shurtleff, Records of the Colony of New Plymouth: Court Orders, vols. 2–3 (Boston, William White, 1855), vol. 2: 79.

PC02. Records of the Colony of New Plymouth, vol. 2: 26.

PC03. Records of the Colony of New Plymouth, vol. 2: 29.

PC04. Records of the Colony of New Plymouth, vol. 2: 114.

PC05. Records of the Colony of New Plymouth, vol. 2: 155; vol. 3: 9, 50.

NENS0. New Englanders in Nova Scotia, manuscript, R. Stanton Avery Special Collections, New England Historic and Genealogical Society, online database, American Ancestors, 8–9.

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last revised 27-Jun-2020